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Aikido in Rhyme Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-31-2011 07:17 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 53
Comments: 69
Views: 276,441

In General Aiki Chakra's Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #53 New 07-22-2013 03:59 PM
When the hearts turn to flowers,
Opening up to the Eight powers,
Divine yet timeless,
Followed the signs but now it's signless.

No big bang but original big quietness,
From whence all began, dietless,
Yet fulfilling and infinitely one,
Universal union, universal fun.

Through non attachment we enter the formless,
We enter calm seas and skies which are stormless,
We enter Aiki and we enter into the light,
Thus are forms created, and all beautiful sights.

Views: 4664

In General Goodness Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #52 New 07-12-2013 07:37 PM
Goodness accepts and non controls,
The work of centre, that's how it rolls,
No fighting, violence and so no glory,
Nothing harmful, no destruction, nothing gory.

Non resistance, non insistence,
Here and now has infinite distance,
You may hear this but are you near this,
No competition is clear and fearless.

Such is the jewel, sitting in calmness,
Pulsating, creating, free from harness,
The centre of the cross of aiki, floating, free,
The spark of joy living in you and me.

Under no roof, between no walls, neither in or out,
Tranquility meets, silence greets and quietness shouts,
The power of quantity eaten by quality, attachment gone,
Yet truth leaves all connected to this Aikido song.

Views: 2199

In General Shomen Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #51 New 05-13-2013 10:14 AM
I have no faith for faith is me,
I polish daily my own divinity,
There's no superior or superiority,
For divinity in me is divinity in thee.

Views: 2492

In General Land of the rising sun. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #50 New 05-07-2013 08:06 PM
As I spiritually view the land of the rising sun,
The land of kotodama, where all springs from the one,
Where Anjin San visited and a new journey began,
Where the lotus flower bloomed from which Aikido sprang.

Where cherry blossoms grow then as the petals fall,
The kami of the kamikazi, I can here them call,
I see the snow topped peak of Fuji yet below nothing at all,
A land of history and mystery like the soul of us all.

And as the sun meets the sky and the moon meets the sea,
A devine calm descends and spreads through humanity,
I see O'Sensei smiling, raising a toast, a bowl of best saki,
I smile back and raise a toast, a nice hot cup of tea.

Views: 2394

In General PEACE. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #49 New 04-27-2013 03:28 PM
As you follow the path of peace,
The view of enemies fade and cease,
Life becomes the path itself, free of belief,
True budo you become, from a cocoon released.

What were those foolish thoughts of fight and opposition?
What were those foolish wants for power and position?
The kami dance for joy, buddha nature is expressed,
When religion disappears divinity and holiness is left.

Views: 2696

In General If Only. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #48 New 04-24-2013 08:11 PM
If only people knew respect is non resistance,
If only people knew all else is non existence,
If only people knew if only don't exist,
The fog would clear and left would be a swirling mist.

Yeah but, no but, yeah but,yeah but no but what if?
There is no yeah but or no but or what if, it's all a myth.
The mist now clearing the sun shines, and it detects,
The formless forming and shows, if what? Respect!

Views: 2227

In General Dance of the universe. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #47 New 04-21-2013 09:16 AM
Innocence sees and moves like a cool breeze,
Flowing and knowing no need for a,b, c's.
Inviting, uniting, divine intervention,
Centre of centre, the quiet dimension.

Blending with goodness, a divine form collection,
Blending with the spirit of loving protection,
Cherry blossoms, trees, rustling leaves,
The world, the earth, the universe, kokyu breathes.

Views: 2044

In General Spirit of Kokyu Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #46 New 03-12-2013 07:00 AM
I enter with universal love, pure power, harmless,
Introducing a heavenly calmness,
No physical space, time, place or energy,
No illusion, shin no budo, so no enemy.

For when all that is gone what remains in it's place?
But heavenly motion supported by grace,
When all is gone what is there left to see?
The way of the awakened, the way of aiki.

And as I look and listen the echoes I hear,
Of beings trapped in karma, unawakened, in fear,
Projecting illusions and living a false hell,
It's making me depressed now, sadness starts to swell.

How to face such a scene I am faced with the infernal,
Then God whispers to me, "Hope springs eternal".
Quietness descends, a flash of lightning and silence,
The echoes turn to joy as they realize non-violence.

The flowers start to sing along with the trees,
The rivers glisten as they listen to mother natures breeze,
Non-opposition, non-aggression, non -disturbance, harmony,
I re-enter with Kokyu, the universe is me.

Views: 1977

In General True Aiki Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #45 New 03-05-2013 06:02 AM
Love invites non-resistance,
True budo, no insistence,
Love covers both space and distance,
Timeless motion born in an instant.

As egos talk about big bang theory,
So backward, boring, dreary,
Caught up in physical strength and fight,
Blind to the explosion of silence and light.

Nothing is something for those who see,
It's not nothing at all, it's alive and free,
Aikido explains life and all existence,
Remember love invites...non-resistance.
Views: 2166

In General Aikizen Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #44 New 02-27-2013 07:09 PM
One man said "I'll fight to my last breath!"
Another man said "I'll fight on to the death!"
Yet another man said "I'll do what I gotta do!"
The Aikido man said "I'm just passing through."

Views: 4593

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