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Aikido Ed's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 11-27-2005 01:51 PM
Aikido Ed
General Ponderings and thoughts
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 7
Comments: 1
Views: 32,570

In General Pulling Back Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 12-08-2005 05:31 PM
In an earlier entry I esposed my need for demonstrating patience. So, fully planning on attentding my second class last night, I put on the breaks and accepted the fact that my shoulder wasn't quite ready to re-enter the dojo. This was hard as I'm really raring to go, and as my multiple entries in this journal will illustrate after only one class. Stepping back, however, I reflected that to re-aggivate my injury would only result in further classes missed and, with the Christmas break on the horizon, I'd be better off holding off until the new year. In the meantime, lots of reading, breathing and exercises to increase the flexibility of mind and body.
Views: 2441

In General Back on the Horse Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 12-07-2005 12:04 PM
A typical Canadian December day with snow covering everything in a white-still-pure and not yet stained by pollution. My gi and water bottle are packed in my kit bag and I am ready to get back on the horse and attend my second Aikido class....is there a horse stance in Aikido?

Anyway, the shoulder is still tender, and, being a side sleeper, I am still aware of it's plight when attempting to slumber. I will have to be careful.

I was going to attend class last night, but having worked seven days of 15:00-23:00 at the prison I hadn't seen my wife and daughter at all. So, the wee one and I did a bit of tobogganning during the day and I squeeked out a last minute one point victory over my wife in a game of "Carcassonne" by the warmth of our fireplace.

So, that being done, I am ready to roll (and breakfall, etc.)... though it was a roll that ingured my shoulder - yikes!

...A colleague also expressed interest in trying out a class, so he might be coming with.

So, here goes.....
Views: 1811 | Comments: 1

In General Thoughts on Ki Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 12-02-2005 02:45 PM
I was reading Eric Sotnak's informative article on "The Value of Ki Study" where he presents two very clear definitions of "ki". The first is defined as an esoteric kind of energy flowing down the bodies energy meridians allowing for demonstrations of profound power and effect. The second is "a blanket-concept which covers intentions, momentum, will, and attention..that can literally be extended, [and] adopt a physically and psychologically positive bearing." Regardless, ki appears to be a psychological state attainable through practice to be utilised in a certain way.

Reflecting on this, I wonder if those who are able to utilise ki effectively are in some way able to control and regulate the adrenelin secreted when the body is under duress or forced into the flight or fight mode, to be used at any time? Though an amateur at meditation, I know that I can utilies breath and quiet my mind resulting in physiological results (slowing heart rate, relaxing and releasing of muscular tension, etc.). As a Correctional Officer, I have also been subjected to very intense scenarios where my adrenelin has allowed me to perform tasks well beyond what I could do in an artificial scenario. We hear the stories of 120 lb women lifting cars that have collapsed off their jacks on top of their loved ones, as well as people who have endured incredible undertakings of strength and endurence superceding their apparent physiology. So, could it be that those who demonstrate the utlilisation of ki are ...More Read More
Views: 1652

In General Slow Mending Shoulder Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 12-01-2005 02:50 PM
How my ambitions to get back at it and the rate of healing butt heads! I'm fortunate that my shift work is preventing me from rushing back to the dojo, leaving me four more days to mend before I have the option of going to class. The shoulder is there tweaking my consciousness all the time to a small degree, but definitely announcing itself when I lie down and attempt to sleep. I did a variety of light weights and none of those movements seemed to cause further discomfort, so I'm a bit baffled by the whole thing. Still, being introspective on the whole affair, it is another lesson in patience which I hope to master as it will bode well as I continue on with my classes as well as other aspects in life. Keeping this diary/journal of sorts is good in that I don't think I would have formed this perspective on injury and might have been a bit sluggish on reflecting about the necessity of patience, blinded by the excitement of trying something new. Balancing enthusiasim and patience is difficult.
Views: 1662

In General My Ideas on things Not Aikido Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 11-27-2005 02:03 PM
It is my intention to explore my Aikido experience in this blog. I am, however, an individual who is interested in a diversity of issues and feel certain that you will find many points to ponder at my other blog which is located at http://realerant.blogspot.com

Views: 1409

In General Random Haiku's Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 11-27-2005 01:58 PM
haiku #1
spawning salmon shakes
icy Autumn river flows
end and renewal

haiku # 2
gold dog's fur dances
blossom breeze of summer eve
run with dangling tongue

haiku # 3
fat orange fish darts
amidst broad summer lilies
canopy from sun

haiku # 4
mosquitoes needles
summer blood supped up quickly
hand clasps flesh red sting

haiku # 5
white goat's bell jingles
through the cherry blossom breeze
in stony meadow
Views: 1701

In General Beginning Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 11-27-2005 01:51 PM
My first Aikido class was two days ago. I didn't enter blindly as I had done my research, dropped in to view a class and have had some Martial Arts training. I specifically decided to embark on this journey as (a) I believe Aikido will provide me a more thorough "Martial" experience that the other Arts tend to lack by way of sacrificing them to one end of the spectrum or another, those being "sport" and "Rambo", and (b) I work as a Correctional Officer in a Maximum Security Institution and our techniques are derrived from Aikido.

My first class was excellent as my peers were patient and helpful. I was a bit over-zealest, however, and ended up falling rather hard on my poor 37 year old shoulder that has been subject to years of abuse playing Rugby. So, it's heat, ice, Tiger Balm and a few days rest before the journey is resumed....
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