[Announce] Announcements - October 20, 2014

Jun Akiyama akiy at aikiweb.com
Mon Oct 20 00:17:08 MDT 2014

Dear AikiWeb Announcements Subscriber,

Please share/forward this announcement with your aikido friends.


* AikiWeb Columns Now Available

The October (and September!) AikiWeb Columns are now available for your reading pleasure at:


This month, we have some great columns from "The Mirror," Lynn Seiser, Gadi Shorr, and Ross Robertson.

As always, your comments in the thread following each column are appreciated by the authors, so please be sure to leave them your thoughts!

* AikiWeb Facebook Page

AikiWeb is on Facebook where we've posted a great collection of aikido videos and quotes from all over the Internet:

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AikiWeb


Best regards,


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