[Announce] Announcements - January 27, 2012

Jun Akiyama akiy at aikiweb.com
Fri Jan 27 11:17:17 MST 2012

Dear AikiWeb Announcements Subscriber,

Welcome to the January 27, 2012 AikiWeb Announcements e-mail!

As always, please feel encouraged to share/forward these announcements to people who might be interested.


* AikiWeb Columns Now Available

Due to the server down-time in late December, two full sets of columns have been published this month -- TWELVE columns all together, folks!


With writings from "The Mirror," Lynn Seiser, Ellis Amdur, Ross Robertson, Niall Matthews, Francis Takahashi, Stefan Stenudd.

As always, your comments in the thread following each column are appreciated by the authors, so please be sure to leave them your thoughts.

* AikiWeb on Facebook

Join the AikiWeb Facebook group for additional posts, discussions, and more:



Best regards,


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