[Announce] Announcements - June 20, 2011

Jun Akiyama akiy at aikiweb.com
Mon Jun 20 09:43:50 MDT 2011

Dear AikiWeb Announcements Subscriber,

Welcome to the June 20, 2011 AikiWeb Announcements e-mail!

As always, please feel encouraged to share/forward these announcements
to people who might be interested.


* AikiWeb Columns Now Available

  The June 2011 AikiWeb Columns are now available for your reading
  pleasure at:


  The columns this month come from "The Mirror," Ross Robertson, Lynn
  Seiser, and Niall Matthews.  As always, your comments in the thread
  following each column are appreciated by the authors, so please be
  sure to leave them your thoughts!

* AikiWeb Social Media Presence

  Just a quick reminder that AikiWeb is on Facebook and Twitter:

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AikiWeb
  Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/AikiWeb

* AikiWeb News Submissions

  AikiWeb would like your help in collecting news items about aikido.
  If you know of any newsworthy aikido information, please submit them


* AikiWeb Dojo Search Engine

  Is your aikido dojo listed in the most comprehensive aikido dojo
  directory in the world?  You can check your dojo's information at:


  To submit a new dojo, please visit:


  To modify or delete an already existing dojo, please visit:



Best regards,


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